DAVIDO'S MUSIC | Favorite Links | Contact Me

Hello My name is Davido
Below on this site are some songs from my first CD that i would like to share with you. I hope you will like it.
God bless all Gypsys - Te javen saste sare Roma


TO DOWNLOAD  Right click on the song then click " save target as "

DAVIDO - DE FORO BARO YAVIOM.MP3 - click here to download

DAVIDO - MARINE.MP3 - click here to download this song

DAVIDO - MIRY BAHT.MP3 click here to download this song

DAVIDO - PASZA TUTE.MP3 - click here to download this song

DAVIDO - SZAMPANIA.MP3 - click here to download this song

those are few songs from my frist CD. Some of you might like it , some of you not. But this CD was made for my familly, friends and close to my heart people. I would like to dedicate this CD to my aunt " Malina " .. I just wanted to say that I pray and I hope God will cure her from her sickness . Lately she find out that she have cancer ...
If you liked those few songs and if you are interested ..soon I'll make another CD and I'll try my best to make it better .. God bless all of you

  02/01/2003 - Added all those songs

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.

Click here to go to Davido's Music 2